Chayanne’s Birthday

Chayanne celebrated his 44th birthday this week.  As a result, there have been many articles on Chayanne this week.  Here is a short list in case you missed any of them:

New Chayanne Facebook Page for

In celebration of Chayanne’s 44th birthday, I have set up a Facebook page for The Chayanne Fan Site. You can currently find the page at and follow the latest news on Chayanne though your Facebook account.

The Chayanne Fan Site also has a Twitter account. The Twitter account, in case you missed it, is available at

Is there any interest in a Google+ or any other social media page?

Happy Birthday, Chayanne!

The Chayanne Fan Site

Measure Formalizes Chayanne Road in San Lorenzo

The Senate has approved a bill to formalize the permanent name of road PR-203, connecting State Highway PR-30 with PR-183 in the municipality of San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, as Elmer Figueroa Arce “Chayanne.”  The road is currently known as the Express “Chayanne” by residents and visitors to the area, as indicated in the preamble to the measure. The measure directs the Commission Naming Structures and Public Highways of the Government of Puerto Rico to take steps to comply with the provisions of this Act.

The bills states:

“La trayectoria personal y profesional de “Chayanne” ejemplifica los valores que más preciamos como pueblo, entre los que distinguimos el respeto por el prójimo, el amor a la vida y la tierra en que nacimos y la civilidad entre unos y otros, con la cual creamos un mejor futuro para las próximas generaciones. Elmer también ha tenido en su vida la faceta de hombre de familia, casado con la Sra. Marilisa Maronese, con quien ha procreado dos hijos, de nombre Lorenzo Valentino e Isadora Sofía, quienes son los verdaderos tesoros de la vida de este insigne artista”, agrega.

“Esta Asamblea Legislativa, entiende meritorio hacer un reconocimiento y destacar como ejemplo a la persona y el artista, por los logros que ha protagonizado “Chayanne” en su prolífera trayectoria profesional y el buen nombre que ha contribuido a prodigarle a Puerto Rico en el mundo. Esta pieza legislativa pretende oficializar con carácter permanente el nombre de Elmer Figueroa Arce “Chayanne” para la PR-203, ya otorgado por la ciudadanía y de este modo, honrar y exaltar en vida el legado que a su corta edad ha logrado con talento, disciplina y trabajo para su familia, San Lorenzo y todos los puertorriqueños”, sostiene.

You can read more here.

Chayanne’s Duet with Tony Bennett

Chayanne will duet with Tony Bennett for a new collection of duets.

Chayanne posted on Twitter:

Acabo de tener una experiencia maravillosa y ha sido grabar un duo con Mr. Tony Bennett. Pero no solo eso sino la persona maravillosa que es. Tenia que compartirlo con ustedes!!
(I just had a wonderful experience and have been recording a duet with Mr. Tony Bennett. But not only that but the wonderful person he is. I had to share it with you!)

Tony Bennett has had duet CDs in the past.  He has also collaborated with Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Mariah Carey, George Michael, Elton John, Barbra Streisand, John Mayer, Kd lang, Michael Buble, Juanes and Alejandro Sanz, among others.

Chayanne Slips on Stage During Show in Mexico

Media reports are saying that Chayanne was injured during his performance at the show “Puebla, Mexico Pride,” which took place last Saturday night to commemorate 150 years of battle of Puebla.

A spokesperson at Chayanne’s office declined that Chayanne had hurt his ankle during the concert.  The spokesperson said the floor of the stage was wet and Chayanne slipped; he then remained cautious not to fall.

On his Twitter account, Chayanne thanked fans for their concern and said that nothing happened in Puebla, but since it had rained the floor was too slippery.

You can see Chayanne slip at the 55 second mark of this video.